Crow watching, and listening, at the Kenmore Library

I don’t know about you guys, but I am a very romantic and imaginary person. In the afternoon, sometimes between 4-5 p.m., especially when the weather hasn’t been rainy, I have been in the parking lot of the Kenmore Library, and have been totally taken away by the amount of crows, their noises, their whereabouts and their wonderful assemblages.

Try to go there one time and catch these wonderful phenomena of nature. I love to sit there and watch the crows fly from one tree to the other one — and listen to their talking, or to my ear, yelling or maybe they are singing or consulting. You can make up anything you want, but to me this is one of those scenes that any time I am there, I just want to stand there and watch them, and wish I could understand what they are talking about.

Shahin Vafai McKinnie