Elections have consequences

Folks, elections do indeed have consequences, as we have seen in the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling on “Citizens United…” affirming corporate “personhood.” Each of the justices, in the majority, was appointed under a Republican administration.

It is obvious, from Republican congressional “stonewalling” of President Obama’s agenda, that this party is aligned lockstep with mega-corporate interests, while the Democratic party is so-aligned to a lesser degree.

Since “money” is now “free speech,” mega-corporations, with their now-unfettered “carpet-bombing” financial resources, can now hold the president and congress hostage to their entire agenda — much as a terrorist might — thus rendering the entire democratic process of little consequence.

Plan on seeing continuing taxpayer-funded mega-bailouts on Wall Street, outsourcing of jobs and resulting home foreclosures, “war on terror”-driven endless-war profiteering, co-opting of mom-and-pop main-street legislation — specifically the Health Care Bill debacle and the de-funding and eventual privatizing of Social Security and Medicare.

Michael Thomas Carver