Fireworks letter is self-centered | Letter

I had to chuckle when I read the letter “Keep Fireworks Legal in Bothell” because it was all about me, me, me and don’t ruin my fun.

I had to chuckle when I read the letter “Keep Fireworks Legal in Bothell” because it was all about me, me, me and don’t ruin my fun. To be frank, it seemed childish and self-centered.

The public good should be that we remain safe and that the well-being of everyone be considered when deciding matters of city policy and law. The writer of this letter clearly had little to no regard for his neighbors, let alone the community at large.

It’s no secret that fireworks can be harmful and deadly, cause fires and property damage, frequently offend others and disrupt lives, terrify babies, and hurt the ears of both persons and pets. And what about the mess that folks who use them leave behind for the rest of us to clean up?

Personally, I want to be able to have company over to celebrate the Fourth of July without having to scream at each other to be heard. It has gotten ridiculous. Now that so many other town councils have had the common sense to ban these loud toys, why should Bothell become the dumping ground for this racket so that we can’t have even have one peaceful moment?

It’s time for the city officials to do their job and make Bothell fireworks-free so the rest of us can sit back and enjoy the holiday. Life isn’t always fair or pleasing to everyone, and sometimes that means “sacrificing” for others to be a kind citizen.

Nancy Kasper, Bothell