Foggy Noggin article distasteful | Letter

I found your Dec. 6 article about the Foggy Noggin to be a little distasteful.

I found your Dec. 6 article about the Foggy Noggin to be a little distasteful. The Foggy Noggin is a very small business that is run out of a garage in a nice residential neighborhood where at least half of the surrounding neighbors have expressed concern about their activities.

Asking their customers to bring donated food items for Northwest Harvest is one thing, but to invite children to a beer tasting party to see Santa Claus is crossing the line. One of Foggy Noggin’s impaired customers nearly hit a disabled neighbor who was at their mail box, and then was heard laughing by a witness as they went by.
The Foggy Noggin might as well hire Billy Bob Thornton who played in Bad Santa, because that’s about what it’s going to represent.

Parl Guthrie, Bothell