Keep music affordable

(In response to the Reporter’s story, “Kids play, parents pay: Fees for elementary music jump from $90 to $225. Is the cost affordable?”)

For those students whose strengths may not be in academics or athletics, the elementary strings program offers the opportunity for them to be good at something. Research demonstrates that playing an instrument strengthens their analytical skills and has many other positive benefits for kids. The discipline required to practice, the humility required to take constructive feedback and the music appreciation are all positive aspects that will benefit the student throughout their lifetime.

It is critical that we support the efforts of the dedicated teachers like Mrs. Cramer to keep strings available to elementary students by keeping costs as low as possible and being creative in solving the problem of making sure everyone who wants to play, gets to play, regardless of their ability to pay. The benefits of music should not be available only to the “haves” and not to the “have nots.” If anything, those students who “have not” may benefit even more from early exposure to music.

So, if a member of the newly formed Elementary Band Boosters asks you to help out by supporting our fund-raising, please help keep music affordable.

Patsy Treece, Bothell