One way to address homelessness | Letter

Why is Seattle’s homelessness problem getting worse not better? Some people are blaming it on the increase in rent in Seattle, so people just can’t afford to pay their rent. Some people living on the streets say it’s because of eviction, rent increase, and foreclosure. Others claim that more affordable housing and rental assistance could help them get out of homelessness.

One of the reasons we haven’t started building affordable housing in Seattle is because, Seattle land costs more than anywhere else in both King and Snohomish counties. Also, construction costs the most in Seattle. And, a lot of people are pointing fingers at the growing opioid crisis as a major cause. Everyone is curious about what Seattle is going to do about the problem. Well, more affordable housing, and rehab buildings seems like an easy enough idea especially since there are about 300 vacant lots in Seattle owned by various government departments.

So why are we not building? Also, why don’t we have more permanent housing situations? A lot of people are also worried about after we build affordable housing how we are going to get people off drugs, and get them mentally stable. And make them want to keep a job and stay off drugs.

Edward Armstrong
