Re-elect Kae Peterson for Fire Commissioner | Letter

I am writing to endorse Kae Peterson in her re-election campaign as Fire Commissioner for King County Fire District #16 with the Northshore Fire Department.

I am writing to endorse Kae Peterson in her re-election campaign as Fire Commissioner for King County Fire District #16 with the Northshore Fire Department.

As the former Fire Chief of the District, I worked closely with Ms. Peterson to improve the department’s level of service while enhancing fiscal responsibility.

Kae’s dedication to the department and its citizenry has always been exemplary. She has a unique ability to evaluate actions and predict the results. Her decisions have always been founded through an understanding of the issues and the feasibility of the plan.

I am extremely proud of the Northshore Fire Department and I believe the department demonstrates excellence in all aspects of its workings.

Commissioner Peterson has been instrumental in achieving this pinnacle of success and her continued leadership will help ensure the department maintains this course. I strongly recommend a vote in her behalf.

Tom Weathers, retired Northshore Fire Department Chief