Reader puts in his 2 cents about business-license fee hike | Letter

I read with great interest the “Business Taxes and License Fees” paper put out by the Greater Bothell Chamber of Commerce last week. Apparently this fine city has found it difficult to fund all of its many planned civic improvements for Bothell.

I read with great interest the “Business Taxes and License Fees” paper put out by the Greater Bothell Chamber of Commerce last week. Apparently this fine city has found it difficult to fund all of its many planned civic improvements for Bothell.

“Now” they tell us they need to increase business taxes for those folks trying to make a small-business go of it in the current economic climate because they’re short on money. Great! And, oh, by the way, the recommended budget for 2013-2014 calls for a property tax increase of 1 percent (Bothell City Council meeting of May 8).

Is all this a part of the lower taxation promised during the two defeated votes for annexation the city tried to push through? Gosh, maybe the money spent on the “second” vote could have gone toward those increased business taxes.

Come on Bothell Council, how about thinking of the taxpayers’ interests for a change?

Stephen Collins