Registering to become an organ donor is a life-saver

What is recyclable, reusable and saves lives? The gift of organ donation.

By making this exceptional gift, we know that someone with cystic fibrosis may receive the lungs we will no longer need. Someone with diabetes may reuse our kidneys to get off dialysis forever. Someone with heart disease may recycle our heart so that it beats a healthy rhythm once again.

My family’s story of recycling a life began the day my son Cole died.

We recycled life when Cole gave this amazing gift. Cole was only 12 years old when he suffered a fatal brain aneurysm. His life was at its end but, through donation, Cole was able to give other people’s lives a new beginning. Cole saved five people’s lives in all!

As more than 100,000 people nationwide wait for a chance to use the organs we will no longer need, we all need to make our donation designation. Go to and register your wish to be a donor. By doing this, you can ensure that our greatest gifts are reused by someone waiting for a second chance at life.

The greatest gift we can all give is ourselves.

Marta Baldwin, Bothell