Stoltzfus letter promotes religious discrimination | Letter

I was disappointed to read the promotion of religious discrimination in the letter from Susan Stoltzfus published by the Bothell Reporter in the Oct. 4 edition.

I was disappointed to read the promotion of religious discrimination in the letter from Susan Stoltzfus published by the Bothell Reporter in the Oct. 4 edition. The letter basically stated that because a person has worked in a religious school and ascribed themselves to certain religious beliefs they should not be considered for a public position or office.

I fail to see how an individuals personal religious choices and convictions means that individual would not “help all students, without regard to their religious beliefs or sexual orientation,” as the author of the letter claimed. It is unfortunate that the author chose to ignore the part of the Community Covenant of Northwest University which states “we endeavor that all of our interactions and communications will show respect for the wellbeing of all, especially those who may disagree with us … Furthermore, we recognize the value of diverse opinions and that unity does not require unanimity.” Is the Bothell Reporter really a platform for this kind of discriminatory nonsense?

Thank you for your consideration.

Daniel Roth, Bothell