Why I support Dawn McCravey | Letters

My decisions are based on my values. My values have a foundation.

My decisions are based on my values. My values have a foundation. The foundation of my values is this: That which is perfect, beautiful, and true; that which is universally centered and eternally minded. I am a Christian. The foundation of my values is God.

In contrast, the foundation of many is flawed, based on imperfect man. If the foundation of your values is flawed, how much more will your values be? If your values are flawed, how much more will your decisions be?

In these upcoming political elections, examine the foundation upon which people build their values. Is it perfect, beautiful and true? Is it universally centered and eternally minded?

With respect to myself I try to take these ideals and act practically. In my district, I have chosen to support Dawn McCravey for state senate because she is a Christian who shares the foundation of my values. In my opinion, the other candidates have built beautiful houses of intellect on foundations of crap. I want to encourage my fellow citizens to examine themselves, consider the foundation of their values and act practically upon them.

Joshua Smith, Brier