Not too late to prevent more deaths | Letter

Thank you for the recent article in the Feb. 5 edition of the Bothell-Kenmore Reporter regarding Snohomish County’s decision to enter into a lawsuit against Purdue Pharma for its irresponsible actions in the opioid addiction problem.

According to the Colorado attorney general’s office, Purdue Pharma, “deluded doctors and patients about the potential for addiction with prescription drugs.” Former chairman and president of Purdue Pharma Richard Sackler patented a drug to wean addicts off the very drug the company helped them become addicted to through misinformation, thus allowing the company and the Sackler family to profit from the opioid addiction problem.

The Colorado attorney general’s lawsuit further states that Purdue Pharma “downplayed the risk of addiction and exaggerated the benefits.”

Snohomish County Council is to be commended for entering into this lawsuit. Even though thousands of Americans have died of drug overdose and cannot be brought back, it is not too late to stop more deaths. The public needs to be aware of Purdue Pharma’s liability in the opioid abuse scandal.

Ella Larrick
