Polarized catastrophe is hurting America

Are we in a state of polarized catastrophe where single-minded religious and ideological thinking dominates? Fear mongering propels religious fanatics successfully and American health care stagnates in a contentious quagmire. These two areas of polarized thought undermine international security while they devastate economies.

Religious/political hatred in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran feeds a hungry black hole. It is tragic that Muslims today are held hostage by extremists that demonize God and pervert their religion.

Nevertheless, Israel combats terrorism and has learned to thrive in a sea of enemies. Free speech is encouraged, but radical statements to “destroy Israel” are not tolerated.

Like Israel, America and Western countries should no longer tolerate preaching to “kill America,” or any sovereign nation.

The Islamic religion is growing faster than any other and diplomatic outreach is essential. However, before concessions are offered between nations, a peace treaty precondition must establish the right of every citizen of both countries to live in peace. Promoting religious intolerance must cease and polarized statements of murderous intent outlawed.

In the 1960s, President Nixon introduced legislation initiating HMOs for efficient distribution of services; however, his HMO “efficiency” changed the nature of medical care from caretaker service to bottom line expense. Instead of being rewarded for patient care, doctors’ profit when they cut expenditures by denying patient care. Health-care providers, pharmaceutical corporations and health insurance corporations become profiteers.

In 1948, recovering from depression after WWII, Great Britain established their free “socialized” medical care program creating a model for other nations. Unlike America today, the administrative costs of insurance and billing are eliminated because doctors and caretakers are paid for service only.

Current “socialized” services in America include: Social Security, Postal Service, National Guard, our Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and our changed Medicare plan which increased the expense of medicines and health care for seniors by not allowing Medicare to negotiate costs — thus providing socialized care for pharmaceutical corporations and HMOs.

Today, it is shameful that America ranks 38th in the world for health care with medical expenses 10 times higher than other nations, a greater infant mortality rate and lesser life expectancy.

Lack of affordable health care is the biggest factor deterring America’s economic recovery. While other industries and American workers suffer, medical providers and drug companies continually profit. America is held hostage to these special interests.

The single-minded polarized catastrophe of ideological interests must be opposed. Our survival depends on it.

Bob Olson