I read with great interest your article titled “Bothell mayor triggers conflict of interest investigation” from the March 20 edition.
Wow! Why are these guys in city government? Apparently, it is so they can take personal profit from a position of influence.
Why did it take nine months for [Mayor Joshua] Freed to recuse himself from the proceedings on the golf course property? And [Councilman Mark] Lamb had to discuss the issue with city attorney and still waited until asked to offer his recusal.
So why so much secrecy around Element Residential? And [Bothell City Manager] Bob Stowe is to push ahead with an investigation into potential conflicts of interest? Sounds like the fox guarding the hen house. How about an independent investigation? All of this has the appearance of, if not downright, illegal acts then improper and deceitful.
Lamb has been there before. Apparently Freed is on the same path. The acts of these people is an embarrassment to the citizens of Bothell. It is past time for Freed and Lamb to step aside and resign.
It is time for a transparent, legal and moral government for our city.
Steve Collins, Bothell